
You can now advertise on Private Proxy Guide in the following spots:

BELOW HEADER SITEWIDE (1 slot available)

Our most prominent spot to get your product/service shown to all visitors.

  • Banner ads: 700×90, 700×200 or 700×250 are acceptable.
  • Pricing: $1499/month
  • This ad will be shown on both mobile and desktop versions of the site.

BELOW CONTENT SITEWIDE (2 slots available)

Your ad will be shown below the articles.

  • Banner Ads: 300×250
  • Pricing: $499/month
  • This ad will be shown on both mobile and desktop versions of the site.

Placing example (below header):

placing example

Placing example (below content):

below content

Why advertise on Private Proxy Guide?

You will be able to advertise your product/service in front of people looking for privacy/tech/business software and solutions.

Here are some of the traffic stats from April 2022: 63k pageviews and an 8 min Avg. Time on Page.


Most of the traffic comes from western countries.


Please use the contact form to proceed

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