Quick answer: The Best Sneaker Bot in 2025 is AIO Bot!
You just need some equipment and general know-how, and you can cop sneakers like a pro by using the best sneaker bots mentioned in this article.
With the help of a server and a sneaker bot of your choice, you can beat others to the punch, just like you’ve been beaten many times.
Bots can automate the sign-up and checkout process, and therefore be faster than humans. Bots access the websites of your favorite sneaker brands by using codes to gain ‘backdoor’ access based on Selenium.
When you combine this approach with the prowess of servers and the anonymity of proxies, you’ll be the first in line for those coveted limited-edition sneakers.
Well, you and every other person using the same strategy. It’s all about choosing the right bot. However, choosing an excellent bot to buy shoes isn’t a piece of cake either.
In this guide you will learn:
- What a sneaker bot is and how they work.
- How to pick a sneaker bot.
- What a sneaker bot server is and when you may need one.
- What the best sneaker bot is in 2025.
NOTE: Most sneaker bots require the use of specific proxies in order for you to be able to cop sneakers without getting your IP blocked. Residential proxies are the safest since datacenter IPs usually get blocked. I recommend sneaker proxies together with your shoe bot. Some providers also have set up guides for most bots out there.
1. Best sneaker bots in 2025
Sneaker bots cut down your sign-up process time and save you those precious few milliseconds that is the difference between getting a pair and missing out.
Aside from speed, sneaker bots offer CAPTCHA solvers, early links, and they also monitor for restocking and can perform multiple tasks at once.
Here is my list of the best sneaker bots in 2025:
You should read more about these sneaker bots below.
1.1 AIO Bot

1.2 Another Nike Bot
1.3 Kodai – Sold out
1.4 Ganesh – Sold out
1.5 Balko – Sold out
1.6 Wrath Bot – Sold out
1.7 Dashe Bot – Sold out
1.8 BetterNikeBot (BNB)
1.9 Nike Slayer
1.10 EasyCop
1.11 SneakerBots4All
1.12 SuperCop Bot
1.13 SoleSlayer
1.14 SoleSeekr
1.15 CyberSole – Sold out
2. What should a sneaker bot include?
2.1 Regular updates
The most important thing is to choose a bot with regular updates. While some bots charge for this feature, others offer it for free. As I mentioned before, because technology is always changing, you need a bot that will be able to keep up. Not to mention, if you don’t have the latest version of the bot, the sneaker site will most likely lock you out.
2.2 Customer support
Furthermore, it’s crucial that the bot you choose has excellent customer support. Because speed is the most critical thing when copping limited-edition sneakers, the response time of the support team is vital. If something goes wrong, you want them to have your back, not to leave you hanging. Since every sneaker bot company will tell you that they have stellar customer support, it’s best to investigate for yourself. Browse some review websites and read the comments other users left there. If most users sing praises to customer support, that’s a good sign that you can rely on it in times of need.
2.3 Multiple accounts & site support
Moreover, you should pick a bot that has multiple accounts support, and that’s compatible with multiple sites. The more websites a bot supports, the better your chances of getting your hands on a pair of sneakers are. The same goes for the option of multiple accounts. That is especially true if you want more than one pair of sneakers.
2.4 Multithread technology
Furthermore, it’s crucial that the bot has multithread technology. That will allow quick and easy multitasking and easier cruising through the sneaker website and cop more shoes at the same time.
2.5 Proxy support
Finally, if possible, choose a sneaker bot that offers proxy support. However, some of the cheaper bots don’t provide this feature. So, keep an eye on that while making your choice.
You also need sneaker proxies and only use IPs from datacenters for monitoring, because IPs from data centers will usually get blocked when used as normal proxies for copping.
If you want to cut to the chase and get a provider recommendation, I vouch for Smartproxy. They’ve been providing quality proxies for quite some time now, and they’re a well-established name in this industry. Go check them out, I’m sure their services are going to fit your needs. If you have any questions regarding the proxies mentioned above, do not hesitate to ask them.
3. When do you need a sneaker bot server?
Sneaker bot servers are optimized for running your bots at the best possible performance. Most of them are preconfigured Windows VPS servers on which you can install a bot of your choice. The big benefit is that these servers are located near the datacenters of sneaker sites to save you critical milliseconds when copping shoes.
Do you really need a sneaker bot server? It depends on if you want to have the best possible chance of getting your sneakers and if you want to run multiple bots at the same time. If you haven’t had any luck with running your bot on your home computer due to slow Internet, then a sneaker server is a recommended solution to try. You should take a look at SneakerServer if you plan on going this route.
4. How do sneaker bots work?
Basically, you input all the necessary information about you, such as your name, credit card info, and address then you instruct the bot on what item you want to buy.
These bots can either be instructed through keywords related to the product’s name or the URL of the product itself. You can usually get your hands on the URL of a yet-to-be-released product from “cook groups” who work hand in hand with botters.
Once the product is released, the bot will go through the checkout process quicker than any human out there. Some good bots can check out sneakers in as little as 0.2s.
If it weren’t for sneaker bots, shopping limited-edition sneakers would become a battle of who has the fastest internet connection.
Although I made it sound somewhat simple, setting up a sneaker bot can actually be quite complicated. For starters, you have to set up proxies as well as a dedicated server before setting up the bot itself.
Bots can function without a dedicated server. However, having one is highly recommended because it increases the speed of the bot’s connection to the site.
Proxies are unique IP addresses that make it look like you are different buyers buying from different parts of the globe. This can prove useful in many ways. For instance, if you want to buy the latest YEEZYs, you’ll have to enter into an online queue and the more entries you have, the higher are your chances of grabbing a pair.
Not using proxies will also lead to the site identifying all your automated entries as coming from one source, most likely resulting in an IP ban.
Once you have your bot, proxies, and server, you’ll need to train yourself. What do I mean by this? Well, having an expensive sneaker bot, for instance, won’t ensure that you’ll get sneakers.
This is because there are users out there who have been in this game for years, and they’re familiar with almost every aspect of the sneaker-selling websites, giving them a sort of advantage over you.
You’ll have to get used to your bot, familiarize yourself with how the targeted site works as well as its delays, and much more.
4.1 Sneaker bot proxies
There are numerous types of proxy suppliers, including Unknown proxies, Shadow proxies, Oculus proxies, and Leaf proxies.
However, the most popular types of proxies for sneaker bots are ISP and residential proxies. The latter is a must, especially if you’re planning on buying from a site that implements serious bot protection.
Residential proxies are based on an ever-rotating IP address, which ensures that the bot doesn’t stop functioning if one IP address gets banned.
As for which proxy you should use, well, my personal recommendation would be Smartproxy. These guys have been in the business for a while now, and they provide some of the best proxies out there. I’m sure that their services will go hand in hand with your needs, regardless of what they might be.
4.2 Gmail accounts for sneaker bots
Popular sites such as Supreme, Shopify, Foot sites, and Yeezy Supply require a Gmail account. These sites implement CAPTCHAs which can be solved quickly through the use of Gmail.
Preferably, you’d need an aged Gmail account, one that was created in 2010 or before. As is the case for almost any tool here, there is a black market for old Gmail accounts.
There are people out there who farm old Gmail accounts and go as far as putting a lot of traffic and activity through them to not make them look fake.
4.3 Virtual credit card profiles
There are numerous ways to get your hands on credit cards for sneaker bots.
For starters, you can rely on virtual credit cards. This is a feature that most modern credit card providers have, which allows you to make an unlimited number of “virtual” cards that all source back to your own personal card.
The good thing about this is that in case a virtual card gets flagged, the people over at the sneaker sites cannot trace it back to your own card.
Additionally, most sneaker sites nowadays don’t allow buyers to save profile checkouts as a form of bot protection. And for that, you’ll need to use different credit cards, names, numbers, and addresses for each purchase.
How can you do this? You might wonder.
Well, it’s simple, really; you need to jig on your virtual credit cards (VCCs). We’ll explain that in a second.
Jigging on credit cards
Say your address is 123A Bleecker Street, and it’s a house.
To jig on your VCC, you simply need to add a “Room 1” to your home address.
On the next profile, add “Room 2” and so on and so forth. You can do this for up to 500 rooms if needed.
You can also use “apartment 1”, “apartment 2” and go up to 10,000 apartments.
To the company and the site, these are all different addresses, different people. But in reality, it’s just your own house.
4.4 Sneaker bots updates
Most developers constantly push out updates for their bots. Some get updated as often as every day. These updates are necessary because most sneaker sites fight to ban these bots on a consistent basis, and the only way for the developers to fight back is by pushing out updates.
Most developers nowadays use mediums such as Discord to inform users that there’s an update. In case you forget to update your bot, you might face a barrage of errors before getting it to work, or it might not function at all.
5. Types of sneaker bots
There are countless sneaker bots on the market right now, and the main thing that sets them apart is which sites they’re compatible with. You can’t really find a bot that can function on all websites hence the need for a bit of research before determining which one you should get.
5.1 Nike bots
Nike has been cracking down hard on sneaker bots for a while now. They are aware of the fact that many people use sneaker bots to try and get their hands on some limited edition Nike sneakers before everyone else.
Nike is determined to eliminate this advantage that many bot users have over regular users, so if you’re trying to buy some Nike sneakers, and then you’ll need to find a really good Nike sneaker bot, such as Another Nike Bot.
These bots come with numerous great features, mainly the ability to add sneakers to your card incognito as well as providing you with a faster way to make payments.
Unfortunately, nowadays, there aren’t many bots that can bypass Nike’s strict security system. In other words, you need to really do your research before signing up with any Nike bot. My personal recommendations are Another Nike Bot (ANB), BetterNikeBot (BNB), and Nike Slayer, all of which are reviewed in this article.
5.2 Adidas bots
Similar to Nike’s, these Adidas bots are exclusively made for people who are looking to grab some sneakers off of Adidas online. However, like Nike’s, Adidas’ security against bots is very tight.
Adidas’ anti-bot trick functions as follows: a virtual queue which bots can struggle to get through. Rest assured, though, as there are bots out there that are capable of bypassing Adidas’ rigid security measures, such as AIO Bot.
5.3 Supreme bots
It comes as no surprise that a company as big as Supreme is trying its best to fight off sneaker bots. In other words, their website has a number of security measures in place, which render numerous sneaker bots utterly useless.
However, as is the case with any site out there, there are some hardworking developers who bring bots that are capable of bypassing these security measures, including CyberSole.
5.4 Shopify sneaker bots
A Shopify bot allows you to get past the few security measures that Shopify put in place. I said few because, unlike the other websites mentioned here, Shopify hasn’t implemented many strong security features to prevent bots from functioning properly on their website (mainly because Shopify stores sell a plethora of products, not only Sneakers and shoes).
Security is somewhat bad to the point where you can rely on data center proxies on Shopify, something that you definitely cannot get away with in Nike’s or Adidas’ websites.
5.5 Foot-Sites bots
If you’re trying to grab some sneakers through websites such as Footlocker, EastBay or Foot sites bots will be of great help. These include SoleSeekr.
6. Rookie mistakes to avoid when using a sneaker bot
Now that you know all the different kinds of sneaker bots and which ones are best for which sites, it is important that you get an idea of the most common mistakes that people make and how to avoid them.
You should always keep in mind that using a bot doesn’t equal guaranteed success. However, there are certain mistakes that people commit which can hinder your chances of success. These include:
6.1 Using the wrong proxy
As I’ve mentioned above, having the right proxy server is essential to using a sneaker bot. Still, you are going to have to get your hands on some high-quality proxies.
This is merely the case due to the ever-increasing security of sneaker websites which can easily fish out low-quality proxies nowadays.
That’s why I’ve recommended a list of what I consider to be the best residential proxy providers on the market right now, just above. Most of them are really useful for almost everything, not just sneaker shopping.
I don’t recommend relying on free proxies (or shared ones), obviously, since most, if not all of them, will easily be discovered by the website’s security, leading to your account getting banned. I know that the idea of paying for a proxy isn’t an exciting one but trust me when I say that it’s worth it.
6.2 Not using a remote server
Unless you have access to a super-fast internet connection and you don’t live far from the website’s server, not using a server is a death sentence.
Don’t forget that you’ll be competing against people from all around the world, some of which will be using their own bots. So just rely on a good server and let it do the rest even if your internet speed is very good.
6.3 Ignoring instructions
Most quality bots come with instructions that if you miss or chose not to follow, you could miss out on your sneakers. For instance, there are a lot of settings and parameters you need to tweak before going into action, as well as a lot of key information to keep in mind.
We tend to skip on most instruction manuals out there. However, if you do this with a bot, you’ll end up pretty disappointed each time you try to cop a pair of sneakers for personal use or reselling. It’s a game of seconds and even milliseconds, so being as prepared as humanly possible is key to making a difference between winning and losing.
6.4 Using the wrong information
You’ll also need to make sure that you don’t input the wrong credit card information or proxy details. A bot cannot do its job properly if it’s functioning based on wrong information.
So, I highly recommend that you cross-check every bit of information you enter into the bot before going in.
7. Using a sneaker bot – FAQ
7.1 Is using a sneaker bot illegal?
Technically? Yes. However, it’s more complicated than that. While bots haven’t been declared illegal by legislation yet, they still break the terms and conditions of almost any brand out there. Of course, no big company is going to support the use of bots hence why they put a lot of effort into security measures that fight off said bots.
A lot of people consider it as cheating, unethical perhaps. However, it is not illegal, so you won’t find yourself in trouble with the authorities for using one.
7.2 Do sneaker bots really work?
Obviously, they do. They’re quite common to the point where bot-makers are fiercely competing with each other to produce the best, most functional ones.
Nowadays, sites such as Nike, Adidas, and YeezySupply release new products using a raffle-based system. In other words, each individual buyer is placed in a queue, and a few people get randomly selected to get the product.
This sounds like it could destroy the purpose of bots. However, on the contrary, bots can be used to include mass entries into raffle queues which greatly increases your chances of grabbing some neat sneakers before they sell out.
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So your saying if you get the AIO Bot along with a Smart Proxy it’ll cost your roughly 600$ a month? Or are bots just a one time fee and proxies are paid every month?
Yes, proxies are paid every month and bots (such as AIO Bot) are a one time fee.
Great proxy service. Glad I found them on your website. They have covered quite a few angles on their blog for copping too. Overlaps quite a bit, so the info is on the same page for both sides!
Hi Jadon,
Thanks for your comment. I’m glad that they worked so well for you.
Have you tried any of these China proxies?
Hi Gregor,
I haven’t tried any China proxies with sneaker bots.
Hello, which bot works with the NIKE SNKRS app
Hi, i am from brazil. Can i use this bot for buy snekers in my region?