Best Time to Post on LinkedIn in April 2024

Quick answer: The best time to post on linked in is Wednesday at 12 pm.

Promoting your business or services on LinkedIn isn’t an easy feat. You need to invest some time in quality marketing campaigns and posts that will actually attract new people and make them potential customers. Another factor plays a huge role here, however, and it’s the time of posting.

This is especially important if we consider different time zones and ways of reaching new people. Posting in an inappropriate team will get you less engagement, and as a result, your post will reach fewer people than it needs to.

Conversely, posting at just the right time will draw more people to your post, letting you increase engagement and make potential customers easier. But what is the best time to post on LinkedIn? Well, we’ve done research to help you out with that – let’s talk more about it.

1. What Is the Best Time to Post on LinkedIn?

To give you the most precise answer to this question, we researched what business-oriented companies have to say. We took into account bits of pieces of advice from companies like HubSpot, Quintly, Sprout Social, Oberlo, and many others, and compared their opinions into one comprehensive chunk of information.

Without further ado, here are the best times to post on LinkedIn according to the information from these experts. We’ve compiled them from best to worst, so let’s take an in-depth look at these times and days.

  • The best days to post on LinkedIn, according to many experts, include Wednesdays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays. They say that Wednesday at 12 pm is particularly interesting because, according to experts, this is THE best time to post on LinkedIn to get maximum engagement.
  • As said, Tuesdays and Wednesdays are important days for LinkedIn posts. Since Mondays are often lazy for many people, researchers say that another great time to post on LinkedIn includes Wednesdays and Tuesdays from 8 am to 10 am.
  • If you didn’t manage to post on Tuesday or Wednesday, Thursday is also a good day. According to researchers, LinkedIn receives high traffic on this day, and although not as much as on Tuesday and Wednesday, it’s still a good time to make a post. If you’re aiming for Thursdays, make sure your post is published at around 9 am.
  • As always, the middle of the week is the best time to post on LinkedIn and thus, researchers found out that the time from 8 am to 5 pm is great for Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays. They explain that LinkedIn receives the highest traffic during these days and periods, making it perfect to make a new post.
  • Let’s talk about Fridays. Fridays are one of the worst days to post on LinkedIn because people are preparing for the weekend and usually aren’t going to be business-oriented these days, especially in the later hours. If Friday is your day of choice, make sure you post at 9 am or earlier to get the best results.
  • Finally, the worst day to post on LinkedIn is Monday but also the weekend. You should avoid posting during these days for obvious reasons. Monday usually consists of people “winding up” for the work week while Saturday and Sunday are reserved for rest and recuperation.

2. How to Get Around Time Zones on LinkedIn?

time zones

In the previous section, I talked about the best times to post on LinkedIn. However, time zones seem to be an obstacle for many people. Big time differences can have a drastic impact on your post engagement, which confuses many users when it comes to making the most out of their posting.

Many people also post multiple times a day, at different times, to make sure everyone can see their posts. That’s a huge mistake because LinkedIn won’t go easy on you if it detects you as spam. To get around time zones, you’ll have to take a look at your followers and audience on LinkedIn.

Once you see where they live and in which time zones they belong, you should adapt your posting times according. Let’s say you live in the United States and you’re targeting users from this country. In this case, you’ll use EST because the largest number of people belongs to that time zone.

This way, you’ll ensure that people are actually awake when you post and be able easily to make a post in the right time frame.

3. How Often Should I Post on LinkedIn?

How Often Should I Post on LinkedIn

When talking about times, it’s also vital to mention your posting frequency. As said, you don’t want to be a spammer but you also don’t want to post once a week. According to researchers, you should aim for a maximum of 5 times a week and not more than once a day.

LinkedIn’s algorithm is pretty powerful in this regard and will easily filter spammers from serious people looking to promote their businesses and make new contacts. Therefore, post once a day while taking into account time zones and the best times to post on LinkedIn.

4. What Are the Best Night Hours to Post on LinkedIn?

Unfortunately, posting at night drastically reduces your engagement on this platform. The same, for example, can’t be said about Facebook and Instagram which are, in most cases, entertainment platforms. LinkedIn is a business platform and you should adhere to typical business hours.

This means the best time is around 12 pm as it’s most likely people will be on a lunch break, and therefore, be able to check what’s happening on LinkedIn. 5 pm is the upper limit for good LinkedIn posts. After that, you’re going to get less engagement.

5. Bottom Line

To summarize, the best time to post on LinkedIn includes the days in the middle of the week, such as Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. While Wednesday at 12 pm is the best time according to many researchers, Tuesdays and Thursdays from 8 am to 5 pm are considered good times as well.

Just make sure to think about your time zone, posting frequency, and most importantly – the quality of your posts. In conjunction with the aforementioned factors, this will ensure your posts get the maximum engagement and better chances of getting to your target audience.

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