Best Bitcoin Cloud Mining Sites in 2024

Best Bitcoin Cloud Mining Sites

Quick answer: The Best Bitcoin Cloud Mining Site in 2024 is Pionex!

Cloud mining has been growing in popularity with increased graphics card prices. As people have to pay higher prices for mining equipment, Bitcoin cloud mining sites seem like a reasonable alternative. In this case, users rely on different crypto-mining companies to do the work for them.

Once you sign up for a particular service, mining is done by that company and you’re there to reap the profit. Basically, the company which owns the site has the required equipment which it uses to mine Bitcoin, Ethereum, or any other crypto, and you get a percentage.

To be honest, finding the best Bitcoin cloud mining site is pretty hard, having in mind that the majority of these sites are known for scamming their users. However, I spent quite a lot of time lingering on cloud mining sites, and today, I want to present a few of them that I found useful and genuine.

1. Best Bitcoin Cloud Mining Sites in 2024

The best Bitcoin cloud mining sites in 2024 are below but keep in mind that they can be very different. Some sites are free (like Pionex) and others will charge you depending on what you want. Either way, I can assure you they’re genuine since I’ve used them a lot to gain some crypto profit.

1.1 Pionex

Pionex Bitcoin Cloud Mining Site

Pionex offers several advantages, particularly for those new to cryptocurrency trading or looking for a more automated approach:

  1. Variety of Trading Bots: With over 10 different trading bots, Pionex caters to various trading strategies. These bots, ranging from leverage and spot trading to grid and arbitrage bots, are designed to optimize trading outcomes.

  2. User-Friendly Interface: The platform is accessible via a web browser, offering an easy-to-use interface. While the initial view of graphs and statistics might seem daunting, the overall usability is straightforward.

  3. Mobile Applications: For users who prefer trading on the go, Pionex offers dedicated mobile applications for both iOS and Android. This makes managing trades and crypto assets more convenient.

  4. Integration with Cloud Mining: While not a Bitcoin cloud mining site itself, Pionex can be used in conjunction with such sites. Users can transfer their mined cryptocurrencies to Pionex for trading, potentially increasing their profits.

  5. Wide Cryptocurrency Support: Besides Bitcoin, Pionex supports a variety of other cryptocurrencies, like ETH, USDT, XRP, STEEM, etc., offering users a broad spectrum of trading options.

  6. Free Registration: Unlike some other platforms, Pionex doesn’t require an initial investment for registration, making it a more accessible option for beginners.

  7. Payment Flexibility: The platform allows deposits via credit card and also offers the option to buy crypto directly within the app.

Despite these advantages, it’s worth noting that Pionex doesn’t have dedicated desktop applications, which might be a drawback for some users. However, its web-based interface and mobile apps generally compensate for this.

In conclusion, Pionex is an excellent choice for those seeking an easy-to-use, versatile trading platform, especially when combined with Bitcoin cloud mining activities. Its range of trading bots and support for various cryptocurrencies make it a compelling option for both new and experienced traders.


1.2 StormGain

StormGain Bitcoin Cloud Mining Site

StormGain has established itself as a notable Bitcoin cloud mining platform, offering a range of features that cater to both new and experienced users in the cryptocurrency mining space. Here are the key reasons why it is considered a good option:

  1. User-Friendly Interface: StormGain’s platform is designed to be intuitive and easy to navigate, making it accessible for beginners while still offering the functionalities that experienced users expect.

  2. Market Tracking and Trend Analysis: The platform allows users to track cryptocurrency prices and follow market trends closely. This feature is crucial for making informed decisions about investments and understanding potential earnings.

  3. Secure Wallet for Crypto Earnings: StormGain provides a secure wallet for storing Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. This ensures that your digital assets are safe and easily accessible for future transactions or conversions.

  4. Quick Start with Mining: The promise of receiving your first crypto coins within approximately four hours of registration highlights the platform’s efficiency. However, it’s important to note that this can vary based on market conditions.

  5. Support for Multiple Cryptocurrencies: Unlike some platforms that are limited to Bitcoin, StormGain supports a variety of cryptocurrencies, including Ethereum, Bitcoin Cash, and Litecoin, offering more diversity in mining options.

  6. Simple Sign-Up Process and Reasonable Interest Rate: The platform has a straightforward registration process, and the interest rate on earnings is around 12%, which is considered manageable within the industry.

  7. Reliability and Low Risk: Since its inception in 2019, StormGain has not shown signs of fraudulent activity, positioning it as a low-risk option for Bitcoin cloud mining.

  8. No Maintenance Fees and Daily Payouts: The absence of maintenance fees and the provision for daily payouts enhance the attractiveness of the platform. This feature allows for frequent access to earnings with a minimum payout threshold of $50.

  9. Mobile Application Availability: The availability of applications for both iOS and Android devices adds convenience for users who prefer managing their mining activities on mobile devices.

However, there are some limitations to consider:

  • Lack of Desktop Application: The absence of dedicated desktop applications for Windows and macOS may be a drawback for users who prefer a desktop mining experience.
  • No PayPal Support: The inability to use PayPal for transactions can be a limitation for users who prefer this payment method. Instead, users are required to use credit cards.
  • Minimum Investment and Payout Limits: The platform has a minimum investment requirement of $100 and a minimum payout threshold of $50, which might be high for some users.

Overall, StormGain’s blend of user-friendly features, security measures, and support for multiple cryptocurrencies makes it a compelling choice for individuals looking to engage in Bitcoin cloud mining. However, like any investment, it’s important to consider both the pros and cons and understand the specifics of how the platform operates.


1.3 ECOS

ECOS Bitcoin Cloud Mining Site

ECOS is considered a good Bitcoin cloud mining site for several reasons:

  1. Popularity and Reach: Established in 2017 during the peak of the crypto boom, ECOS has garnered over 100,000 active users worldwide. Its global availability makes it a viable option in regions where other platforms like StormGain may not be accessible.

  2. Customizable Plans: A standout feature of ECOS is the high degree of customization it offers. Users can tailor various aspects of their mining contract, including its duration, price, and projected BTC earnings. This flexibility allows users to align their mining activities with their financial goals and market expectations.

  3. Diverse Payment Options and Low Fees: ECOS supports multiple payment methods, including USDT, BTC, and credit cards. The latter incurs a relatively modest fee of 2.5%. This variety in payment options enhances user convenience.

  4. Comprehensive Services: ECOS is more than just a cloud mining platform; it provides an integrated suite of services. These include a Bitcoin exchange, a secure wallet for storing cryptocurrencies, and various investment portfolios. This holistic approach is beneficial for users who prefer a one-stop solution for their crypto needs.

  5. Bitcoin Focus with Low Payout Thresholds: Although ECOS exclusively supports Bitcoin mining, this focus could be advantageous for those primarily interested in BTC. The platform offers low minimum payout thresholds (starting at 0.001 BTC, approximately $17 at the time of writing), making it accessible for small-scale miners.

  6. Affordable and Diverse Plans: The subscription plans are relatively inexpensive, with the cheapest starting at $100 for a 24-month contract. This affordability, combined with a range of plans catering to different investment levels (up to $50,000), makes ECOS suitable for a wide spectrum of investors.

  7. Pros and Cons: The key advantages include a large active user base, customizable plans, integrated exchange and wallet services, low payout thresholds, and affordable plans. However, the limitation to only Bitcoin mining and the potentially lower hash rates in cheaper plans are notable drawbacks.

Overall, ECOS’s combination of flexibility, comprehensive services, and user-friendly features make it an appealing option for those interested in Bitcoin cloud mining.


1.4 BitDeer

BitDeer Bitcoin Cloud Mining Site

BitDeer is considered a good Bitcoin cloud mining site for several reasons:

  1. Diverse Mining Options and Legality: As a Singapore-based company, BitDeer offers a legal platform for crypto mining. It provides a range of mining options using both GPU and ASIC miners, catering to different preferences and mining requirements. The focus on legality and a variety of hardware options adds to its credibility and versatility.

  2. Security and Performance: High security and substantial hash rates are significant for successful mining operations. BitDeer’s emphasis on these aspects ensures reliability and efficiency in mining activities.

  3. Track Record and Global Reach: Serving thousands of users worldwide with a positive track record enhances BitDeer’s reputation as a trusted and effective mining service provider.

  4. Customizable Mining Contracts: The flexibility of fully customizable contracts allows both beginners and experienced investors to tailor their mining strategies according to their goals and resources. This adaptability makes it attractive for a wide range of users.

  5. Advanced Hardware: Utilizing Antminer S19, known for its efficiency and power (offering 50 TH/s), indicates BitDeer’s commitment to using advanced mining technology.

  6. Profitability and Output: With an estimated daily output of around 100 BTC and reasonable minimum payout thresholds, BitDeer presents a potentially profitable opportunity for its users.

  7. User-Friendly Interface with Analytics: The simple yet informative interface, complete with real-time analytics and market updates, is beneficial for users to make informed decisions and stay updated on market trends.

  8. Marketplace for Hash Rates: The ability to buy and sell hash rates among users adds an element of flexibility and potential profitability, making it a dynamic platform for mining enthusiasts.

  9. Suitability for Large Investors: The platform’s design, especially beneficial for large investors seeking significant profits, shows its capability to handle substantial investments and deliver returns accordingly.

While the pros are compelling, it’s important to note the cons, particularly the higher contract prices which might be a barrier for beginners. The requirement for a substantial initial investment indicates that BitDeer might be more suited for users who are willing and able to invest more in their mining endeavors.


1.5 Bytebus

Bytebus Bitcoin Cloud Mining Site

Bytebus is considered a good Bitcoin Cloud Mining Site for several reasons:

  1. Quick and Straightforward Start: Bytebus is appreciated for its no-nonsense approach, allowing users to begin cloud mining within a day. This user-friendly aspect is particularly appealing for those who want to start mining without delays or complications.

  2. Diverse Subscription Plans: The site offers a range of subscription plans, each with its mining rig capable of mining various currencies, including Bitcoin. This variety caters to different needs and investment capacities.

  3. Easy and Free Registration: The process to set up an account on Bytebus is both simple and free, making it accessible for beginners.

  4. Affordable Hash Power with Special Deals: Purchasing hash power on Bytebus is relatively inexpensive, with periodic special deals that further reduce costs. This affordability is a significant draw for many users.

  5. Referral Bonus: Inviting friends to Bytebus earns users a 3% bonus, incentivizing the growth of the user community through referrals.

  6. Daily Payouts: The platform supports daily payouts, allowing users to see new earnings every day, which is encouraging and motivating.

  7. Informative and Intuitive Platform: Despite its simplicity, Bytebus provides ample statistics and information, making the mining process comprehensive and understandable.

  8. Device Compatibility: While Bytebus lacks a dedicated app, its web version is functional and compatible across various devices.

  9. Wide Range of Mining Options: Users can mine a variety of cryptocurrencies, such as Filecoin, Litecoin, DigitalCash, Dogecoin, Bitcoin, and Ethereum Classic, offering flexibility and diversity in mining options.

  10. Affordable and High-Capacity Plans: The most affordable plan starts at $10, which is accessible for beginners, while higher plans offer significant hash rates and potential profits for more serious investors.

  11. Responsive Customer Support: 24/7 live chat support ensures that users can get immediate help, enhancing the overall user experience.

  12. Robust Security Measures: SSL encryption and DDoS protection safeguard transactions, providing a secure environment for mining activities.

However, there are areas where Bytebus could improve:

  • Higher Profits in Cheaper Plans: Some users feel that the cheapest plans should offer higher profits. To earn substantial sums, significant investment is required, which might not be feasible for all users.

In summary, Bytebus is favored for its easy start-up, variety of mining options, affordability, daily payouts, and robust security measures, making it a dependable choice for those interested in cloud mining. However, the potential for higher profits in lower-tier plans could enhance its appeal to a broader range of users.


1.6 Genesis Mining

Genesis Mining Bitcoin Cloud Mining Site

Genesis Mining stands out as a reputable option for Bitcoin cloud mining for several reasons:

  1. Diverse Cryptocurrency Options: It supports a range of cryptocurrencies including Bitcoin, Dash, Ethereum, Litecoin, Monero, and Zcash. This variety allows users to diversify their mining activities.

  2. Flexible Mining Algorithms: Users have the choice of several mining algorithms, offering flexibility in terms of cost and potential profit. This feature caters to different preferences and investment strategies.

  3. Global Accessibility: With a user base in over 100 countries, Genesis Mining offers broad accessibility, making it a convenient choice for a global audience.

  4. Customizable Plans: The service allows for the creation of custom plans, with pricing based on selected parameters. This flexibility is beneficial for users who want to tailor their mining activities to specific needs or budgets.

  5. No Maintenance Fee: Unlike some competitors, Genesis Mining doesn’t include a maintenance fee in its pricing, which can lead to more transparent and potentially lower overall costs for users.

  6. 100% Uptime: The service promises 100% uptime, ensuring continuous mining operations without interruptions.

  7. Low Withdrawal and Investment Minimums: The platform has a low withdrawal limit for Bitcoin miners (0.0015 BTC) and allows investments starting as low as $16. This low entry barrier makes it accessible for small-scale miners.

  8. Reasonable Pricing: The prices for various plans, particularly the Ethereum and Bitcoin Radiant plans, are generally affordable and competitive within the market.

  9. Multiple Mining Farm Locations: With mining farms in 10 countries, including the UK, Sweden, and Greenland, Genesis Mining offers a range of geographic options for mining operations.

However, it’s important to note that Genesis Mining has received some criticism for subpar customer support, which can be slow to respond. This aspect might be a concern for users who prioritize customer service in their cloud mining experience.

In summary, Genesis Mining presents a versatile and globally accessible cloud mining service with a variety of cryptocurrencies, customizable plans, and competitive pricing, making it an appealing choice for individuals interested in Bitcoin and other cryptocurrency mining.

Genesis Mining

1.7 Hashing24

Hashing24 Bitcoin Cloud Mining Site

Hashing24 stands out as a commendable choice for Bitcoin cloud mining, especially in 2023, due to several distinctive features and benefits it offers. Here are the key aspects that contribute to its reputation as a good cloud mining site:

  1. Focus on Bitcoin Mining: While Hashing24 exclusively offers Bitcoin mining, this specialization can be advantageous for users specifically interested in mining Bitcoin, ensuring a focused and tailored service.

  2. User-Friendly Interface: The platform’s design prioritizes ease of use, making it accessible and welcoming for users of all experience levels.

  3. Established and Experienced: Being in operation since 2015, Hashing24 has accumulated significant experience in cloud mining. This longevity in the market often translates to reliability and trustworthiness.

  4. Bitcoin Calculator for Earnings Estimation: The inclusion of a Bitcoin calculator on the platform allows potential users to estimate their earnings based on different parameters before even signing up. This tool aids in informed decision-making regarding investment in cloud mining.

  5. Customizable Plans and Promotions: Hashing24 provides the flexibility to purchase custom plans suited to individual needs and financial capacities. Additionally, the platform offers promotions to registered users, enhancing the potential for more profitable mining.

  6. Guaranteed Uptime: The promise of 100% uptime is a significant advantage, suggesting that users can expect consistent mining without interruptions.

  7. Affordable Entry-Level Investment: With plans starting at $72.3 for a 12-month period offering 1 TH/s, Hashing24 presents an accessible entry point for users, particularly those not looking to make large initial investments.

  8. Daily Payouts and Low Minimum Payout Threshold: The minimum payout of 0.0007 BTC and the possibility of daily withdrawals make the platform attractive, especially for small investors.

  9. Free Demo Account: The option to open a free demo account is a valuable feature for beginners or those unsure about venturing into cloud mining. It provides an opportunity to understand the platform’s workings without financial commitment.

However, there are areas where Hashing24 could improve:

  • Limited Hashrate in Basic Plans: The basic plans offer a relatively low hashrate, which might not be sufficient for users looking for higher mining power.
  • Higher Costs for Increased Hashrate: While more potent plans with up to 10 TH/s are available, they come at a significantly higher price, which may not be feasible for all users.

In summary, Hashing24’s user-friendly interface, customizable plans, and focus on Bitcoin make it a good choice, particularly for those new to cloud mining or with a specific interest in Bitcoin. The platform’s affordability and promotional offers further enhance its appeal, although users seeking higher hashrates may need to consider the higher costs associated with more robust plans.


1.8 IQ Cloud Mining

IQ Cloud Bitcoin Cloud Mining Site

IQ Cloud Mining is regarded as a good option for Bitcoin cloud mining for several reasons:

  1. Customizable Plans: One of the primary strengths of IQ Cloud Mining is the high degree of customization available in its subscription plans. This flexibility allows users to tailor their mining contracts to their specific needs and budget, which is particularly appealing for both new and experienced miners.

  2. Affordability and Range of Plans: The service offers plans that cater to a wide range of budgets. The most affordable plan starts at $60 for a one-year contract, providing a low barrier to entry for those new to cloud mining. On the other end of the spectrum, there are high-end plans like the Diamond tier, costing nearly $100,000 a year, but offering substantial daily profits.

  3. Diverse Cryptocurrency Options and Algorithms: Unlike some platforms that focus solely on Bitcoin, IQ Cloud Mining supports multiple cryptocurrencies, including Ethereum and USDT. This diversification, combined with a choice of three mining algorithms (SHA-256, SHA-256 Pro, and SHA-256 BCH), offers users more options and flexibility.

  4. Global Presence: With mining centers in various countries, including Russia, the UK, Georgia, China, and Iceland, IQ Cloud Mining ensures broad coverage and reliability, catering to a global user base.

  5. Additional Financial Services: Beyond cloud mining, the platform also offers opportunities for cryptocurrency and forex trading, as well as stock investments. This breadth of services makes it a comprehensive financial platform for digital asset management.

  6. Special Deals and Discounts: The platform frequently offers special deals and discounts, enhancing its affordability and attractiveness to users looking to maximize their investments.

  7. 24/7 Support: Recognizing that their platform might be complex for beginners, IQ Cloud Mining offers 24/7 live chat support to assist users, which is a significant advantage for those who may need guidance.


  • The website’s interface may not be very intuitive, potentially posing a challenge for users, especially beginners who are not familiar with cloud mining platforms.

Overall, IQ Cloud Mining stands out for its customizable and affordable plans, diverse cryptocurrency options, global presence, additional financial services, and dedicated customer support. These features make it a compelling choice for individuals looking to engage in cloud mining and other digital asset investments.

IQ Cloud Mining

2. FAQ

2.1 What is cloud mining?

Cloud mining is the type of mining that a service does for you, instead of you needing to invest money in mining gear and equipment. Users who decide on this option will pay a service fee to a company that owns mining rigs in remote locations, which will be used for this purpose.

In this case, you pay for hash power and the price that you’re paying depends on how much power you want/need, which algorithms you’re using, and which coin you want to mine. To put it simply, cloud mining means paying someone else – the company – to do mining for you and give you profit.

2.2 Is cloud mining profitable?

Speaking of that, many people often ask if cloud mining is profitable. The answer is YES but the profit depends on the amount of money you invest in the service you choose. We can’t tell you the exact amount of profit you’ll get as the crypto market is also volatile.

Even websites for Bitcoin cloud mining aren’t 100% accurate and the profits you see before purchasing a plan are just an estimation. In the majority of cases, cloud mining is profitable, so you’ll most likely lose no money when investing in a subscription plan.

2.3 Is cloud mining legit?

Yes, it is legit as long as you decide on a legit website. As stated, many Bitcoin cloud mining websites are known for scamming their users in various ways. Some sites will lock you out of your account, for example, so you won’t be able to access your earnings.

However, the websites I talked about in the aforementioned lists are all but scams. For example, Pionex and ECOS are legal companies that operate according to their countries laws and legislations. This means you can freely register your account and mine Bitcoin, Ethereum, and other coins.

2.4 Can I mine anything else besides Bitcoin?

Yes, you absolutely can. Some websites offer you the option to mine just Bitcoin, while some sites like Genesis Mining, let you mine Zcash, Bitcoin Cash, Litecoin, and other assets. If you want to mine just Bitcoin, you can try Hashing24 or any similar platform on the list.

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