Best Cloud Hosting Providers (2024) [Linux & Windows]

best cloud hosting providers

Quick answer: The Best Cloud Hosting Provider in 2024 is Cloudways!

In recent years, cloud hosting drastically changed the industry. Compared to traditional hosting, it is a much more reliable solution that suits most businesses.

Let’s review what cloud hosting is and what the best cloud hosting providers are. We have divided all companies into two categories – managed (server configuration and setup are done for you) and unmanaged (you have to configure the server yourself and do most of the troubleshooting yourself).

It is worth mentioning that there is no real consensus on what’s the best cloud hosting on either Reddit or Quora, but the providers below are mostly the ones recommended.

1. Best managed cloud hosting in July 2024

Check the comparison below to find a cloud provider for your project.

Cloud Price/month Server Managed Visit
Cloudways $10 1 GB RAM, 1 Core, 25 GB Storage & 1 TB Bandwidth Yes Visit »
Kinsta $30 10 GB Storage, 25 000 visits Yes Visit »
A2 Hosting $4.99 1 GB RAM,1 Core, 150 GB Storage & 2 TB Bandwidth No Visit »
InterServer $6 2 GB RAM, 1 Core, 30 GB Storage & 2 TB Bandwidth No (depends)* Visit »
Liquid Web $265 Cloud Load Balancer + Cloud File server Yes Visit »
UpCloud $5 1 GB RAM, 1 Core, 25 GB Storage & 1 TB Bandwidth No Visit »
Digital Ocean $5 1 GB RAM, 1 Core, 25 GB Storage & 1 TB Bandwidth No Visit »
* You can get managed cloud hosting if you buy 4 slices for $24/month.

1.1 Cloudways – Cheap managed cloud hosting with good support


Cloudways is recognized as a strong option in the realm of managed cloud hosting due to a variety of features and benefits it offers. Here’s an elaboration on why it stands out as a good choice:

  1. Affordable Pricing: With managed cloud hosting plans starting at $10/month, Cloudways is accessible to a wide range of users, from individual web developers to small and medium-sized businesses. This plan includes 1 GB RAM, 1 Core Processor, 25 GB Storage, and 1 TB Bandwidth, which is sufficient for many small to medium-sized websites.

  2. Managed Hosting Services: As a managed hosting provider, Cloudways takes over the responsibility of managing server-related tasks, such as software updates and technical maintenance. This is particularly beneficial for users who lack technical expertise or prefer to focus on their business rather than on server management.

  3. Cloud Integrator Role: Cloudways acts as a cloud integrator, enabling users to easily create and manage servers on major cloud platforms like Google Cloud, AWS, Digital Ocean, Linode, and Vultr. This eliminates the need for users to have separate accounts on these platforms, simplifying the hosting process.

  4. Ease of Website Migration: For WordPress users, Cloudways offers a user-friendly migration plugin, allowing for seamless transfer of websites to their platform. This feature is especially useful for those who wish to switch their hosting to Cloudways without the hassle of a complicated migration process.

  5. Robust Security Measures: The platform includes a built-in firewall and automatic backups, ensuring a high level of security and data protection. This is crucial for maintaining the integrity and safety of hosted websites.

  6. User-Friendly Management Dashboard: Cloudways provides a convenient and intuitive dashboard that simplifies the management of hosting services. This is complemented by professional customer support available via live chat and phone, which enhances the user experience.

  7. High-Performance Hosting: The service guarantees high-speed performance, thanks to their unique server configurations and the use of top cloud platforms. This is vital for websites that require fast loading times and smooth operation.

  8. Support for Modern Technologies: Cloudways supports contemporary technologies and standards, including PHP 7, Redis, PHP-FPM, HTTP/2, and specialized caching solutions for WordPress and Magento. This makes the platform suitable for hosting modern, dynamic websites.

  9. Flexible Payment Model: The pay-as-you-go model allows users to pay only for the resources they consume, without the need for long-term contracts. This provides flexibility and can be more cost-effective for users with varying resource requirements.

  10. Integration with Third-Party Services: Cloudways offers robust integration with a range of third-party services, enhancing the functionality and adaptability of the hosting environment.

In summary, Cloudways is a compelling choice for those seeking a managed cloud hosting solution that combines affordability, ease of use, robust security, and high performance. Its role as a cloud integrator and support for a wide range of technologies and standards make it a versatile option for hosting various types of websites and applications.

1.2 Kinsta – Premium managed cloud hosting for WordPress


Kinsta’s position as a top-tier managed cloud hosting service for WordPress is underscored by several key factors:

  1. Specialization in WordPress: Kinsta’s focus solely on WordPress hosting means that all their resources and expertise are geared towards optimizing the performance, security, and reliability of WordPress sites. This specialization is particularly beneficial for users who want a host that understands the specific needs and challenges of WordPress.

  2. Google Cloud Platform Infrastructure: The use of the next-generation Google Cloud infrastructure provides a robust, scalable, and reliable foundation. This ensures that WordPress sites hosted on Kinsta benefit from the high performance and security standards of Google’s technology.

  3. Global Server Network: With 20 data center locations around the world, Kinsta allows users to choose the most optimal location for their server, reducing latency and improving the speed and responsiveness of their websites.

  4. Security Features: Kinsta places a strong emphasis on security with features like its own SSL certificates, DDoS detection, hardware firewalls, and proactive hacking prevention. This comprehensive approach to security is crucial for safeguarding websites against various online threats.

  5. Backup and Recovery: The provision of both manual and automatic backups, with a 30-day retention period, ensures that users’ data is safe and can be easily restored in case of any issues.

  6. Performance Optimization: Kinsta implements multiple caching layers, full website analytics, and includes KeyCDN and Amazon Route 53 in all plans. KeyCDN enhances content delivery, while Amazon Route 53 improves DNS management, both contributing to better overall website performance.

  7. Reliability: Promising a 99.9% uptime guarantees that websites are consistently accessible, which is vital for maintaining user engagement and trust.

  8. Expert Support: Access to expert-level technical support is a significant advantage, especially in a managed hosting environment, as it ensures quick and effective resolution of any issues.

  9. User-Friendly Management: The MyKinsta dashboard offers a centralized and intuitive interface for managing various aspects of hosting, making it easier for users to control their websites.

  10. Developer-Friendly Environment: Kinsta caters to developers by providing a platform that allows for optimization and customization at the code level, which is essential for advanced users looking to fine-tune their sites.

  11. Scalability: The ability to host an unlimited number of sites (based on the chosen plan) and seamless site transfer capabilities make Kinsta a scalable option for businesses of varying sizes.

  12. Affordable Pricing: Starting at $30/month, Kinsta offers a competitively priced managed hosting solution, especially considering the range of features and the level of infrastructure it provides.

In summary, Kinsta’s combination of specialized WordPress hosting, robust infrastructure, comprehensive security measures, performance optimization features, and expert support, all under user-friendly and scalable plans, makes it an excellent choice for individuals and businesses looking for a high-quality managed cloud hosting service for WordPress.

1.3 A2 Hosting

A2 Hosting

A2 Hosting is a strong contender in the realm of managed cloud hosting for several reasons:

  1. Eco-Friendly Hosting: A2 Hosting has been 100% carbon neutral since 2007, making it a pioneer in eco-friendly web hosting. This commitment is significant for businesses and individuals looking to reduce their environmental impact.

  2. High Uptime Guarantee: The 99.9% uptime guarantee is a crucial feature for any web hosting service, as it ensures that websites are consistently accessible to users. This reliability is vital for maintaining the online presence and credibility of businesses and personal websites.

  3. Performance and Speed: A2 Hosting provides extremely fast server speeds, crucial for website performance and user experience. With HTTP/2 servers, CloudLinux, Cloudflare CDN support, and NVMe SSD-based servers, websites hosted on A2 Hosting can expect significantly faster loading times compared to traditional hosting. This speed is especially beneficial for websites with high traffic or those that handle complex transactions.

  4. Comprehensive Customer Support: The availability of 24/7/365 customer support is a significant benefit, offering peace of mind and assistance whenever needed. This round-the-clock support is essential for addressing any issues promptly, ensuring minimal disruption to website operations.

  5. Key Features:

    • Free Migration: This service allows easy transition from other platforms, reducing the hassle for new users switching to A2 Hosting.
    • Unlimited Storage and Data Transfer: These features provide scalability and flexibility for growing websites without worrying about exceeding limits.
    • Flexible Scaling: Users can adjust resources based on their current needs, making it suitable for businesses with fluctuating traffic.
    • Developer-Friendly Platform: A2 Hosting supports a wide range of technologies, making it versatile for various web applications and sites.
    • Security: With tools like HackScan and Patchman, A2 Hosting offers robust security measures to protect websites against malware and hacking attempts.
    • Convenience: The user-friendly cPanel allows for efficient management of various hosting aspects in one place.
  6. SSL, Domain Names, and Domain Transfer: These included services simplify the process of setting up and securing a website, which is particularly beneficial for less tech-savvy users.

  7. Root Access in Unmanaged Plans: For those opting for unmanaged cloud hosting, having root access allows advanced users full control over their server environment.

While the pricing for unmanaged cloud starts at $4.99/month, it’s important to note that managed cloud hosting typically comes at a higher cost due to the additional services and support provided.

In conclusion, A2 Hosting’s eco-friendly approach, strong uptime guarantee, high performance, extensive customer support, and comprehensive features make it an appealing option for a wide range of users, from individuals to large businesses. The flexibility and developer-friendly environment cater to a diverse set of hosting needs, making it a robust choice for managed cloud hosting.

1.4 InterServer


InterServer stands out as a solid choice for managed cloud hosting for several reasons, particularly for those who are new to website management or are running smaller-scale projects. Here’s a breakdown of why InterServer is a good option:

  1. Cost-Effective Pricing: With managed hosting plans starting from $24/month, InterServer offers an affordable entry point for those needing managed services. This pricing is competitive, especially considering the range of features included.

  2. Beginner-Friendly: InterServer is particularly well-suited for beginners. The service provides all the necessary tools required to start a website without needing extensive technical knowledge. This user-friendliness is a significant advantage for those new to web hosting.

  3. Scalable Resources: The flexibility in resource scaling is a key benefit. With options ranging from 30 GB SSDs and 2 TB of data transfer to larger 480 GB SSDs with 32 TB of data transfer, users can choose a plan that fits their current needs and scale up as their website grows.

  4. Comprehensive Feature Set:

    • Free Website Migration and Builder: This makes it easy for users to transfer existing websites or build new ones from scratch.
    • One-Click Installers: Over 450 cloud applications, including popular CMS platforms like WordPress, Joomla, Drupal, and Magento, are available for easy installation.
    • Guaranteed Email Delivery: The service’s commitment to ensuring email delivery is crucial for businesses that rely on email communication.
  5. WordPress Optimized VPS: The availability of VPS packages optimized for WordPress is a notable feature, catering to the large number of users who prefer this CMS.

  6. Reliability: A 99% uptime guarantee is a strong indicator of reliable service, ensuring that websites are consistently accessible to users.

  7. Support for Non-Profits: Offering free hosting to non-profit organizations reflects a commitment to community support and social responsibility, which is a commendable aspect of their service.

  8. Add-Ons for Growth: As a business grows, InterServer provides additional features and tools that can be added to the hosting package, allowing for a tailored hosting experience that can adapt to changing needs.

While it may not be the top choice for very large online stores or corporate websites, InterServer’s combination of affordability, ease of use, scalability, and a comprehensive set of features makes it an excellent choice for beginners, small blogs, test projects, and small to medium-sized businesses. Its focus on scalability and reliability also means that as a user’s needs grow, their hosting can grow with them, making it a versatile option in the managed cloud hosting market.

1.5 Liquid Web

Liquid Web

Liquid Web stands out as a strong choice for managed cloud hosting for several reasons, particularly for businesses seeking a comprehensive and reliable hosting solution:

  1. Experience and Market Presence: With over 20 years in the hosting industry and managing over 500,000 websites, Liquid Web has established a significant presence. This longevity and scale of operations indicate a deep understanding of the hosting market and the ability to cater to various customer needs.

  2. Flexibility and Customization: Liquid Web offers flexible solutions suitable for a wide range of customers, from individual freelancers to large international corporations. This flexibility is crucial for businesses with varying needs, allowing them to select or customize plans that align precisely with their requirements.

  3. Comprehensive Starting Features: The service provides essential start-up features such as domain registration, SSL certificates, managed security, and website migration. This comprehensive approach is particularly beneficial for businesses looking for a streamlined process to establish their online presence.

  4. Stencils Feature: The Stencils feature, which allows users to create and work on a copy of their website without risking the live version, is a significant advantage. This tool is invaluable for testing, development, and making changes without downtime or risk.

  5. Robust Security Measures: Liquid Web’s full set of security tools that come as a default with their hosting plans ensure a secure and protected hosting environment, an essential aspect for businesses of all sizes.

  6. Owned Data Centers with Compliance: Owning their data centers, as opposed to leasing, gives Liquid Web greater control over the hosting environment. Compliance with various standards (SSAE-16, HIPAA, PCI-DSS, AMS-IX, ISAE 3402, ISO9001, 14001, and 27001) demonstrates their commitment to maintaining high standards in data security and operational processes.

  7. Cloudflare CDN Integration: Incorporating Cloudflare CDN helps enhance website performance, particularly in terms of loading times and handling traffic from various geographical locations, which is crucial for businesses targeting a global audience.

  8. Developer-Friendly Tools: The availability of developer tools for complete server control appeals to businesses with technical expertise, allowing them to tailor the hosting environment to their specific needs.

  9. Exceptional Customer Support: Liquid Web’s 24/7/365 customer support is a significant strength, offering quick and efficient resolutions to issues. This level of support is vital for businesses that rely on constant uptime and immediate assistance for any hosting-related problems.

  10. Premium Pricing for Premium Service: While Liquid Web’s pricing is on the higher end, starting at $265/month, the range of services and quality of hosting justify the cost, especially for businesses that prioritize reliability and comprehensive support in their hosting solution.

In summary, Liquid Web offers a robust and flexible managed cloud hosting service, well-suited for businesses looking for a reliable, secure, and customizable hosting solution with excellent customer support. The premium pricing reflects the comprehensive range of features and services provided.

1.6 UpCloud


UpCloud stands out as a compelling choice for managed cloud hosting for several reasons, tailored to both companies and individuals seeking a customizable and reliable online presence. Let’s delve into the specifics:

  1. Affordable Pricing: The starting price of $5 per month is quite competitive, especially considering the resources offered – 1 Core, 1 GB RAM, 25 GB Storage, and 1 TB Bandwidth. This makes it an accessible option for small businesses or individual users with budget constraints.

  2. Global Server Locations: With servers across six countries, UpCloud offers geographical flexibility, which can be crucial for optimizing latency and providing better service to a global audience.

  3. Uptime Guarantee: UpCloud’s assurance of 100% uptime with a compensation policy for any downtime longer than 5 minutes is a significant commitment to reliability, a critical factor for businesses that depend on constant online availability.

  4. Trial Period: The 3-day trial period allows users to evaluate the service before committing, providing an opportunity to test its compatibility with their specific requirements.

  5. High Performance with MaxIOPS: Utilizing MaxIOPS technology, UpCloud promises high and extreme performance levels. This feature, backed by enterprise-level hardware, means fast deployment and robust performance capabilities, which are beneficial for data-intensive and time-sensitive applications.

  6. Scalability: The ability to scale resources flexibly is vital for growing businesses. UpCloud provides the option to easily adjust CPU, RAM, storage, and IPs, catering to varying demands and growth phases.

  7. Network Solutions: Features like floating IPs and interconnected private networks across all data centers enhance network flexibility and resilience, which are essential for complex or distributed applications.

  8. Automation and API Integration: The availability of a powerful yet simple API allows for easy automation and seamless integration with various programming languages and platforms. This is particularly advantageous for developers and businesses looking to automate and streamline their cloud operations.

  9. Operating System Support: Supporting both Linux and Windows environments ensures UpCloud can accommodate a wide range of applications and user preferences.

  10. IPv6 and Security: Native IPv6 support and comprehensive security measures show UpCloud’s commitment to modern standards and the safety of its users’ data.

  11. Customization: The ability to tailor every aspect of the hosting experience, from the performance settings to the integration with different apps, makes UpCloud a versatile option for those with specific needs.

In summary, UpCloud’s combination of affordability, performance, reliability, scalability, and flexibility makes it a strong contender in the managed cloud hosting market, particularly for those who need a service that can grow and adapt with their evolving needs.

1.7 Kamatera



Kamatera stands out as a strong choice for managed cloud hosting due to several key features:

  1. Longstanding Experience: Having been in the market since 1995, Kamatera has a long history and experience in cloud hosting, which can translate into reliability and a deep understanding of customer needs.

  2. Global Infrastructure: With servers located in 13 data centers across multiple countries, Kamatera offers a robust infrastructure. This global presence ensures better local performance, lower latency, and increased redundancy for clients all over the world.

  3. Flexible, Transparent Pricing: Kamatera’s pricing model is highly flexible, allowing customers to pay only for the resources they need. This can include a variety of options such as the type and number of processors, operating system choice, RAM, SSD storage, public IP addresses, Internet traffic, and data center location. Such flexibility can be particularly cost-effective for businesses with varying or scaling needs.

  4. Email Server Capabilities: Support for SMTP, POP3, and IMAP services allows customers to run their own email servers without limitations, providing greater control and customization over email services.

  5. Database and DNS Management: The support for popular database systems like MySQL and MS SQL, combined with DNS management capabilities, makes Kamatera suitable for a wide range of applications and websites.

  6. Advanced Performance and Dedicated Resources: Kamatera’s servers, equipped with Intel Xeon Platinum processors and high-speed SSDs connected to a 40 Gbps line, offer high performance. The ability to use up to 104 processors and 512 GB of RAM per server, along with guaranteed dedicated resources, ensures that clients have access to powerful and reliable computing resources.

  7. Management Tools: The availability of cPanel/WHM and Plesk control panels provides versatile and user-friendly interfaces for managing servers. These tools are crucial for tasks like file import via FTP, configuring web servers, managing backups, and deploying SSL certificates.

  8. Kamatera Management Console: This feature enhances the user experience by offering exclusive discounts on software products and ensuring automatic updates, which can simplify the management and reduce operational costs.

  9. 24/7/365 Professional Support: Continuous support is essential for businesses that rely on their online presence. Kamatera’s commitment to round-the-clock support ensures that assistance is always available, which is crucial for addressing issues promptly and maintaining uptime.

In summary, Kamatera’s combination of extensive experience, global infrastructure, customizable and transparent pricing, comprehensive management tools, and robust technical capabilities, all supported by continuous professional assistance, makes it an attractive option for a wide range of businesses looking for reliable and efficient managed cloud hosting solutions.

2. Best cloud hosting for developers

2.1 Digital Ocean – Great unmanaged cloud hosting provider

Digital Ocean

Digital Ocean stands out as a particularly appealing cloud hosting option for developers, and its strengths can be attributed to several key factors:

  1. Affordable Pricing: Starting at just $5/month for a package that includes 1 GB RAM, 1 Core, 1 TB Bandwidth, and 25 GB Storage, Digital Ocean offers a highly competitive price point. This affordability makes it an attractive choice for developers, particularly those working on smaller projects or with limited budgets.

  2. High Performance and Reliability: Digital Ocean is known for its solid performance and high availability, boasting a 99.99% uptime. This level of reliability is crucial for developers who need to ensure their applications and websites are consistently accessible and running smoothly.

  3. Global Data Center Presence: With data centers located around the globe, Digital Ocean offers global availability. This wide geographical distribution ensures high speed and low latency for users no matter where they are located, which is particularly beneficial for services that cater to an international audience.

  4. Advanced Security Measures: Digital Ocean takes security seriously, offering robust protection against various threats including hacker attacks, malware, DDoS attacks, and data leaks. The platform’s adherence to international standards such as SOC 1 Type II, SOC 2 Type II, ISO/IEC 27001, and PCI-DSS certifies its commitment to maintaining a secure hosting environment.

  5. Developer-Focused Features: The platform is equipped with features tailored for developers, such as the ability to easily deploy and scale loads from a user-friendly control panel. The simplicity of setting up and managing data center clusters is a significant advantage for developers who need to focus on coding rather than server management.

  6. Transparent Pricing: Digital Ocean’s transparent pricing model means that users pay only for the resources they need and use, without hidden costs. This predictability in pricing is beneficial for budgeting and financial planning, especially for independent developers or small teams.

  7. Managed Database Services: Offering managed services for popular databases like MySQL, Redis, and PostgreSQL is another major plus. This allows developers to leverage these databases without the overhead of managing them, enabling more focus on development tasks.

  8. Suitable for Experienced Users: Digital Ocean is particularly well-suited for developers who have a good understanding of cloud infrastructure and server management. This is because the platform may require more technical know-how compared to some other hosting services.

  9. Third-Party Integrations: The ability to integrate with many third-party services means developers can enhance their applications with additional functionalities and tools, providing flexibility to meet diverse business needs.

In summary, Digital Ocean is an excellent choice for developers due to its affordability, high performance, global reach, strong security, and developer-friendly features. Its transparent pricing and managed database services further add to its appeal. However, it is more geared towards those who have a good grasp of server management and cloud infrastructure, as its support services may not be as comprehensive for beginners or those requiring extensive assistance.

2.2 Linode


Linode’s reputation as a strong choice for cloud hosting among developers can be attributed to several factors:

  1. Affordable Pricing: Starting at just $5/month for a plan that includes 1 GB RAM, 1 core, 1 TB bandwidth, and 25 GB storage, Linode offers highly competitive pricing. This affordability makes it accessible for developers at all levels, from hobbyists to professionals working on larger projects.

  2. Long-Standing Industry Presence: Having been established in 2003, Linode has a longstanding presence in the cloud hosting market. This experience translates into a deep understanding of customer needs and the evolution of technology, resulting in refined services and reliability.

  3. Global Network of Data Centers: With 9 distributed data centers around the world, Linode ensures that developers can host their applications close to their user base, reducing latency and improving performance.

  4. High-Performance Linux Servers with SSDs: The use of solid-state drives (SSDs) in their Linux servers ensures fast data access and improved performance, which is critical for applications that require quick read/write operations.

  5. Versatility in Use Cases: Linode is suitable for a wide range of applications such as websites, mobile apps, hosted services, big data, gaming, containers, e-commerce, and analytics. This versatility makes it an attractive option for developers working in various domains.

  6. Superfast Network Connectivity: With a 40 Gbps network, Linode offers high-speed connectivity, which is essential for applications that demand high bandwidth and low latency.

  7. User-Friendly Management Tools: The Linode Manager allows developers to boot, deploy, clone, or resize servers with just a few clicks, simplifying server management and saving valuable time.

  8. Native IPv6 Support: By offering native IPv6 support, Linode ensures that its services are future-proof and compatible with the latest internet protocols.

  9. Reliability and Uptime Guarantee: A 99.9% network and hardware uptime guarantee, coupled with a money-back policy for any downtime, provides assurance of reliability and commitment to quality service.

  10. Managed Cloud Backups: The one-click managed cloud backup feature adds an extra layer of security for data, ensuring that critical information is protected and can be easily restored in case of data loss.

  11. Powerful API for Integration: Linode’s powerful API allows for seamless integration with third-party services, enabling developers to tailor their hosting environment to their specific needs.

  12. Responsive Human Support: Having access to helpful and responsive human support is crucial, especially when developers encounter technical challenges. Linode’s commitment to providing quality support can significantly reduce downtime and improve problem-solving efficiency.

In conclusion, Linode’s combination of affordable pricing, robust infrastructure, versatile hosting options, high-speed connectivity, user-friendly management tools, and reliable customer support make it an excellent choice for developers looking for a dependable and efficient cloud hosting solution.

2.3 Google Cloud

Google Cloud

Google Cloud Platform (GCP) offers several key advantages for developers looking for cloud hosting solutions:

  1. Extensive Global Infrastructure: GCP boasts a vast infrastructure with 24 cloud regions, 73 zones, and 144 network edge locations. This global presence ensures that developers can deploy and manage their applications with low latency and high performance, regardless of their geographical location.

  2. Scalability and Flexibility: Google Cloud is particularly well-suited for enterprises and organizations with fluctuating or growing demands. Its ability to scale resources up or down easily makes it an ideal choice for projects that experience variable traffic or that are in a growth phase. However, it’s important to note that for very small websites or projects with minimal requirements, GCP might be an overkill due to its enterprise-level capabilities.

  3. Data Security: Google’s commitment to security is a significant advantage. They invest heavily in the latest security measures and comply with international protocols, including the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). This level of security is crucial for developers who manage sensitive data or need to adhere to strict compliance standards.

  4. High Availability: With a 95% availability and no scheduled downtime, GCP ensures that hosted applications are consistently accessible. This reliability is essential for businesses and developers who need their applications to be available without interruption.

  5. Professional Support: Google provides robust support through multiple channels. This professional assistance is vital for developers who might need expert guidance or encounter complex issues while using the platform.

  6. Support for Modern Protocols: GCP’s full support of modern protocols means that developers can use the latest technologies and methodologies in their projects, ensuring that their applications are cutting-edge and highly functional.

  7. Integration with Google Services: For developers already using or planning to integrate with other Google services (like Google Analytics, Ads, etc.), GCP offers seamless integration, making it easier to manage various tools and services under one ecosystem.

  8. Advanced Services: Beyond basic hosting, GCP provides advanced services in computing, data storage, data analytics, and machine learning. These services are valuable for developers looking to build sophisticated, data-driven applications.

In summary, Google Cloud Platform is an excellent choice for developers, particularly those working on enterprise-level projects or applications that require high scalability, advanced security, and a global presence. Its robust infrastructure, combined with Google’s renowned security and professional support, make it a reliable and powerful platform for a wide range of development needs. However, for very small projects or websites, other hosting solutions might be more cost-effective and appropriate.

3. What is cloud hosting?

Cloud hosting is a type of web hosting that uses several different servers to distribute the load and maximize uptime. Instead of one server, your website can connect to a cluster that uses resources from a centralized pool. This means that even if one server fails, another server connects immediately and everything works smoothly.

Cloud hosting is a good solution for companies that vitally need their websites online all the time. The list includes e-commerce stores, lead generation sites, corporate platforms, and highly loaded projects. Also, cloud hosting is easily scalable if you need more power. This makes it attractive for news agencies and publishers who are expecting traffic jumps or a large number of clicks on their articles.


  • Data is stored on several servers at once. If one server fails, another server will take over.
  • Cloud hosting works on ultrafast SSD disks.
  • You can create a server from a ready-made operating system image or use your own operating system.
  • You can choose the necessary server parameters, such as RAM, disk space, number of processors, and increase them with increased traffic on the site without contacting support.
  • By using multiple servers in the cloud, you can set up a virtual network between them.
  • Each server in the cluster is isolated so it does not affect other websites on it.

4. What to keep in mind when choosing cloud hosting

  • The reliability of the data centers consists of several factors: geographic location, security level, physical security, availability of necessary communication sources (uninterruptible power supply, air conditioning, internet connection, etc.).
  • Legal security of cloud infrastructure. Select the location where the client’s data is respected and protected by the local legislation.
  • Is your provider ready to work 24/7/365 as promised? Many players on the market say that they work around the clock and without weekends. Is this the case in reality? Try to check their support team — a good company will pay high attention even to potential clients.
  • Free trial to check how the cloud works. This is an ideal way to check how your provider works with the client, how the support team solves problems as well as their availability and how clear and transparent your communication is.

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1 thought on “Best Cloud Hosting Providers (2024) [Linux & Windows]”

  1. Avatar for Marcus Eriksson

    Great post and very helpful as well for those who are planning to start their own website. You can also add some good players in the cloud hosting industry like ESDS, AWS, Ctrls, Azure, etc. Keep sharing!

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